To pursue a PhD with us, there's a few steps you need to follow: First agree with your prospective supervisor on: A PhD work plan; A curricular work plan for the student, including the physics seminar and at least 30-33 ECTS; You must then register at the post-graduate studies.

Then, you need to register at the post-graduate studies office. You can find the application form here: PhD Applications Técnico accepts applications in July and December. Together with the application form, you need to submit also the research and study plan agreed upon with your supervisor. After your application has been accepted, you need to register, paying the annual fees and presenting all the original documents you submitted, together with your vaccination card.

Funding. PhD scholarships are available via
i. research projects (enquire with a CENTRA member if there's any available)
ii. National FCT calls, please check the Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia
website for updates, and discuss your application with a CENTRA member.
iii. Other research networks, such as, IDPASC
or La Caixa Foundation grants.
Calls are usually out in March/April, but some could be open year round.

Degree recognition. The portuguese science foundation requires the recognition of the degree(s) for foreign students, sometimes with strict requirements. You will not need such recognition to apply to Técnico but it's mandatory if, for example, you apply for an FCT or IDPASC scholarship. Please, check the rules carefully, or discuss them with someone at CENTRA.

CAT Your PhD will be advised by a committee (CAT, Comissão de Acompanhamento de Tese). The CAT should be composed of the supervisors, and at least two other scientists. These members are normally experts on the subject and are expected to be part of the PhD jury. The CAT should meet in the first 24 months of the PhD, teleconferencing is allowed. During the CAT meeting, the PhD student will deliver a talk, summarizing his scientific work and plans for the future (normally not exceeding 20 min total). Afterwards a question and answer session begins, lasting 40-60 minutes maximum

PhD jury. Indicate the full name of the jury members, their affilliation, current position, address, email and phone contact. The jury must be composed of: One member of the physics department; At most one supervisor or co-supervisor; A number of members from the University of Lisbon equal to or larger than the number of external members; Two main "relatores", one of them external to Técnico; Usually, the number of jury members is 4, excluding the president of the jury.

Approvals with Distinction and Honours. Técnico has a special "Distinction and Honours" ("Aprovado com Distinção e Louvor") PhD grade. To qualify for this grade, the supervisor(s) must file a request. Such letter must explain why the student and work are worthy of such distinction and will be submitted for approval to the Scientific Council of Técnico.The student must have an average grade equal to or larger than 16 in the PhD courses.
All documentation for PhD is available at